Once a month on a Friday local resident Jimmy Furre presents Seven Dials Comedy Night – doors open at 7:30pm. Takes a break over July and August.
Once a month on a Friday local resident Jimmy Furre presents Seven Dials Comedy Night – doors open at 7:30pm. Takes a break over July and August.
Thursday Tango Terra – learn how to dance the Tango – 7pm beginners class, 8pm intermediates – after that open dancing.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2pm to 4:30pm come to Covent Garden Community Centre and enjoy a game of Bridge. You do need to know how to play Bridge to take part but come and hone your skills!
SUNDAY ROAST at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8EP – £5 or £4 if you are unwaged. Volunteers to help in the kitchens always needed!
BLOOMSBURY CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2H 8EP. Tuesdays – 10:30am to 3:30pm, Meet & Eat, FREE entry, chat with others, play board games. Lunch served at 12:30 costs £2.50
On the last Thursday in the month, there is a Tea Dance at Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, WC2B 5LT. Starts at 2pm until 5pm, led by Brian Cornes.
Club Thursday is a ‘drop in’ session straight after chair yoga at 11:30am. A light lunch is served in the Shelton Bar followed by a talk, or a film or a taster session of different activities.
Chair Yoga is on Thursdays from 10:30am to 11:30am and is FREE. Carefully adapted for older people by Stella Cherfas over many years, the methodical sequence of moves includes the emphasis on comfortable breathing.
Choir & solos singing. The style of singing is wide-ranging, musical theatre, blues, jazz and maybe a touch of opera! There is a chance to sing a solo of your choice – but you don’t have to if you are not ready for it yet!
At Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, WC2B 5LT – 10:30am to 11:30am Pilates for the over 50s. Rosy Sanders leads this fantastic pilates class to get you fitter and more flexible. Drop in, no need to book. £5 per session.